Unicamp Diretoria Acadêmica

HO413 - Organização Industrial Desenvolvimento Tecnológico - 1S/2025 Imprimir


Informações da disciplina


Concorrência, cooperação e inovação; modelos dinâmicos neo-schumpeterianos: modelos evolucionistas e history-friendly. Simulação. Modularidade e Decomposição. Modelos NK aplicados à economia. Economias de Rede e economia de aprendizado.


BARTAGELJ, V. et al. Understanding Large Temporal Networks and Spatial Networks. Wiley, 2014.

CHIAROMONTE, F; ORSENIGO, L.; DOSI, G. Innovative Learning and Institutions in the Process of Development. In THOMSON, R.  Learning and Technological Change. Macmillan Press, 1993.

COHEN, W.; LEVINTHAL, D. Innovation and Learning: the two faces of R&D. Economic Journal, 99: 569-596, 1989.

CORIAT, B.; DOSI, G. Learning how to Govern and Learning how to Solve Problems: On the Co-Evolution of Competences, Conflicts and Organizational Routines. In DOSI, G. Selected Essays. Edward Elgar, 2000.

DAWID, H.; GEMKOW, S.; HARTING, P.; NEUGART, M. Spatial Skill Heterogeneity and Growth: An Agent-based Policy Analysis. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, v. 12, n. 4, p. 5, 2009.

DOSI, G. Opportunities, Incentives and the Collective Patterns of Technical Change. Economic Journal, 107:1530-1547, 1997.

DOSI, G. Statistical Regularities in the Evolution of Industries. In MALERBA, F.; BRUSONI, S. Perspectives in Innovation. Cambridge University Press, 2007.

DOSI, G.; FAGIOLO, G.; ROVENTINI, A. Schumpeter Meeting Keynes: A Policy-Friendly Model of Endogenous Growth and Business Cycles. Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, v. 34, p. 1748-1767, 2010.

DOSI, G.; NELSON, R. R. Technical Change and Industrial Dynamics as Evolutionary Processes. In HALL, B.; ROSENBERG, N. (Eds.). Handbook of the Economics of Innovation, Vol. 1. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2010.

ECONOMIDES, N.; TÅG, J. Network neutrality on the Internet: A two-sided market analysis. Information Economics and Policy, v. 24, n. 2, p. 91-104, 2012.

FRENKEN, K. A fitness landscape approach to technological complexity, modularity and vertical disintegration. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 17: 288-305, 2006.

GARAVAGLIA, C.; MALERBA, F.; ORSENIGO, G. Entry, Market Structure an Innovation in a History Friendly Model of the Evolution of Pharmaceutical Industry. In Mazzucato, M.; Dosi, G. Knowledge Accumulation and Industry Evolution. Cambridge University Press, 2006.

GARAVAGLIA, C. Modelling Industrial Dynamics with History Friendly Simulations. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 21(4): 258-275, 2010.

GOYAL, S. Connections: An Introduction to the Economics of Networks. Princeton University Press, 2007.

GRUBER, H.; VERBOVEN, F. The diffusion of mobile telecommunications services in the European Union. European Economic Review, v. 45, n. 3, p. 577-588, 2001.

JACKSON, M. Social and Economic Networks. Princeton: Princeton: University Press, 2008.

MALERBA, F. Innovation and the evolution of industries. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, v. 16, n. 1-2, p. 3-23, Apr. 2006.

MALERBA, F.; NELSON, R.; ORSENIGO, L.; WINTER, S. Vertical Integration and Dis-integration of Computer Firms: A History-friendly Model of the Co-evolution of the Computer and Semiconductor Industries. Industrial and Corporate Change, 17(2): 197-231, 2008.

MALERBA, F.; NELSON, R.; ORSENIGO, L.; WINTER, S. History friendly models of industry evolution: the case of the computer industry. Industrial and Corporate Change, 8(1): 3-40, 1999.

MARENGO, L.; DOSI, G; LEGRENZI, P.; PASQUALI, C. The Structure of Problem-Solving Knowledge and the Structure of Organizations. Industrial and Corporate Change, 9(4): 757-788, 2000.

MORONE, P.; TAYLOR, R. Knowledge Diffusion and Innovation. Edward Elgar, 2010.

METCALFE, J. S. Evolutionary Economics and Creative Destruction: The Graz Schumpeter Lectures. Routledge, 1997.

METCALFE, J.S.; FOSTER, J.; RAMLOGAN, R. Adaptive economic growth. Cambridge Journal of Economics, v. 30, n. 1, p. 7-32, 2005.

NELSON, R.; WINTER, S.  An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change. Havard University Press, 1982. (há uma versão em português, pela editora da UNICAMP).

NOOY, W.; MRJAR, A. & BATAGELJ, V. Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek, 2 ed. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011.

OLTRA, V. Politiques technologiques et dynamique industrielle. Tese de doutoramento. Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, 1997.

PEREIRA, M.; DEQUECH, D. A History-Friendly Model of the Internet Access Market: The Case of Brazil. In: The Evolution of Economic and Innovation Systems. Springer International Publishing, 2015. p. 579-610.

POSSAS, M. L.; KOBLITZ, A.; LICHA, A.; OREIRO, J. L.; DWECK, E. Um Modelo Evolucionário Setorial. Revista Brasileira de Economia, v. 55, n.3, p. 333-377, jul./set. 2001.

PYKA, A.; FAGIOLO, G. Agent-Based Modelling: A Methodology for Neo-Schumpeterian Economics. In HANUSCH, H.; PYKA, A. (Eds.). Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics.  Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, p. 467-490, 2007.

SCOTCHMER, S. Innovation and Incentives. MIT Press, 2006.

SHY, O. The Ec

Ano de Catálogo: 2025

Créditos: 4

Turma: A Vagas: 30

Idioma de oferecimento: Português

Tipo Oferecimento: Regular

Local Oferecimento:


  • Terça 08:00 - 12:00


  • Jose Maria Ferreira Jardim Da Silveira
  • Marcelo De Carvalho Pereira


Não possui reservas.


Hora Segunda Terça Quarta Quinta Sexta Sábado
08:00 A -
09:00 A -
10:00 A -
11:00 A -
