Vulnerabilidades, riscos, história da Internet e de hacking, política de segurança. Serviços Unix, controle de acesso, criptografia. TCP/IP, ataques ARP, IP, ICMP, UDP e TCP, IPSec, wifi. Ataques a FTP e DNS. Firewall, IDS.
Practical Unix and Internet Security, Simson Garfinkel, Gene Spafford and Alan Schwartz, O'Reilly; Building Internet Firewalls, Brent Chapman, O'Reilly; Applied Cryptografy, Bruce Schneier, John Wiley; Firewalls and Internet Security, Bill Cheswick and Steve Bellovin, Addison Wesley; TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1, Stevens, Addison Wesley; Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume I, Douglas Comer, Prentice Hall; DNS and BIND, Paul Albitz and Cricket Liu, O'Reilly.
Segurança de Redes em Ambientes Cooperativos, Nakamura and de Geus, Novatec; Practical Unix and Internet Security, Garfinkel, Spafford and Schwartz, O'Reilly; Building Internet Firewalls, Zeicky, Cooper and Chapman, O'Reilly; Applied Cryptografy, Schneier, Wiley; TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1, Fall and Stevens, Addison Wesley.
Ano de Catálogo: 2025
Créditos: 4
Número mínimo de alunos: 5
Idioma de oferecimento: Português
Tipo Oferecimento: Regular
Local Oferecimento:
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