Unicamp Diretoria Acadêmica

ES002 - Metodologia de Pesquisa para Educação nas Profissões da Saúde - 1S/2025 Imprimir


Informações da disciplina


Discutir o estado atual das questões de pesquisa, focando diferentes metodologias de pesquisa em temas de educação para as profissões da saúde. Também, serão revistos periódicos e seus perfis, indexadores e veículos e estratégias de  comunicação científica.


  1. Abramson, E. L., Paul, C. R., Petershack, J., Serwint, J., Fischel, J. E., Rocha, M., Tewksbury, L. (2018). Conducting quantitative medical education research: From design to dissemination. Academic pediatrics, 18(2), 129-139.:
  2. Allen LM, Hay M, Palermo C. Evaluation in health professions education-Is measuring outcomes enough? Med Educ. 2022 Jan;56(1):127-136. doi: 10.1111/medu.14654. Epub 2021 Sep 16.
  3. Brydges, R., & Butler, D. (2012). A reflective analysis of medical education research on self regulation in learning and practice. Med Educ. 46(1), 71-79.
  4. Boet, S., Sharma, S., Goldman, J., & Reeves, S. (2012). Medical education research: an overview of methods. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal Canadien d'Anesthésie, 59(2), 159-170.
  5. Farrukh K. Theory of change framework for program evaluation in Health Professional Education. Pak J Med Sci. 2024 Mar-Apr;40(4):793.
  6. Frye, A. W., & Hemmer, P. A. (2012). Program evaluation models and related theories: AMEE guide no. 67. Medical Teacher, 34(5), e288-e299.
  7. Goldie, J. (2006). AMEE Education Guide no. 29: Evaluating educational programmes. Medical Teacher, 28(3), 210-224.
  8. Kusters, C. (2011). Making evaluations matter: A practical guide for evaluators. Wageningen: Wageningen University, CDI, 2011.
  9. Laksov, K. B., Dornan, T., & Teunissen, P. W. (2017). Making theory explicit-An analysis of how medical education research (ers) describe how they connect to theory. BMC Medical Education, 17(1), 18.
  10. Nomura O, Onishi H, Park YS, Michihata N, Kobayashi T, Kaneko K, Yoshikawa T, Ishiguro A; Japan Pediatric Society Steering Committee of Board Examination. Predictors of performance on the pediatric board certification examination. BMC Med Educ. 2021 Feb 22;21(1):122.
  11. Norcini JJ, Boulet JR, Opalek A, Dauphinee WD. The relationship between licensing examination performance and the outcomes of care by international medical school graduates. Acad Med. 2014 Aug;89(8):1157-62.
  12. Norcini J, Grabovsky I, Barone MA, Anderson MB, Pandian RS, Mechaber AJ. The Associations Between United States Medical Licensing Examination Performance and Outcomes of Patient Care. Acad Med. 2024 Mar 1;99(3):325-330.
  13. Peterson LE, Boulet JR, Clauser B. Associations Between Medical Education Assessments and American Board of Family Medicine Certification Examination Score and Failure to Obtain Certification. Acad Med. 2020 Sep;95(9):1396-1403.
  14. Pineda-Cañar CA, Montaño-Caicedo J, García-Perdomo HA. Importance of mixed methods in medical education research. Med Teach. 2024 Jul 8:1.
  15. Setubal MSV, Antonio MÂRGM, Amaral EM, Boulet J. Improving Perinatology Residents' Skills in Breaking Bad News: A Randomized Intervention Study. Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2018 Mar;40(3):137-146.
  16. Vyas R, Morahan PS, Yuan S, Amaral E, Burch V, Campos HH, Mukherjee S, Salt J, Supe A, van Zanten M, Mladenovic J. FAIMER Global Faculty Development: A Sustainable Partnership Model to Advance Health Professions Education. Acad Med. 2023 Oct 1;98(10):1131-1138. 
  17. Yuan S, Mukherjee S, Vyas R, Burdick W. Using a theory of change for evaluation: has the FAIMER international faculty development program improved the field of health professions education? MedEdPublish (2016). 2019 Mar 12;8:50.

Ano de Catálogo: 2025

Créditos: 6

Turma: A Vagas: 20

Número mínimo de alunos: 4

Idioma de oferecimento: Português

Tipo Oferecimento: Regular

Local Oferecimento:


  • Terça 09:00 - 12:00


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